

Ruby latest stable (v2_5_5) - 0 notes - Class: MatchData
named_captures() public

Returns a Hash using named capture.

A key of the hash is a name of the named captures. A value of the hash is a string of last successful capture of corresponding group.

m = /(?<a>.)(?<b>.)/.match("01")
m.named_captures #=> {"a" => "0", "b" => "1"}

m = /(?<a>.)(?<b>.)?/.match("0")
m.named_captures #=> {"a" => "0", "b" => nil}

m = /(?<a>.)(?<a>.)/.match("01")
m.named_captures #=> {"a" => "1"}

m = /(?<a>x)|(?<a>y)/.match("x")
m.named_captures #=> {"a" => "x"}
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