Ruby latest stable (v2_5_5) - 0 notes - Superclass: Object
  • 1_8_6_287
  • 1_8_7_72
  • 1_8_7_330
  • 1_9_1_378
  • 1_9_2_180
  • 1_9_3_125
  • 1_9_3_392
  • 2_1_10
  • 2_2_9
  • 2_4_6
  • 2_5_5
  • 2_6_3 (0)
  • What's this?

Class not available on this version

This class is only available on newer versions. The first available version of the class is shown here.

Represents a lazily loaded gem specification, where the full specification is on the source server in rubygems’ “quick” index. The proxy object is to be seeded with what we’re given from the source’s abbreviated index - the full specification will only be fetched when necessary.

Show files where this class is defined (1 file)
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