new(error_generator, expectation_ordering, expected_from, sym, method_block, expected_received_count=1, opts={}) public

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# File lib/spec/mocks/message_expectation.rb, line 7
      def initialize(error_generator, expectation_ordering, expected_from, sym, method_block, expected_received_count=1, opts={})
        @error_generator = error_generator
        @error_generator.opts = opts
        @expected_from = expected_from
        @sym = sym
        @method_block = method_block
        @return_block = nil
        @actual_received_count = 0
        @expected_received_count = expected_received_count
        @args_expectation =[])
        @consecutive = false
        @exception_to_raise = nil
        @symbol_to_throw = nil
        @order_group = expectation_ordering
        @at_least = nil
        @at_most = nil
        @args_to_yield = []
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