v7.1.3.4 - Show latest stable - 0 notes - Superclass: Value

Active Model ImmutableString Type

Attribute type to represent immutable strings. It casts incoming values to frozen strings.

class Person
  include ActiveModel::Attributes

  attribute :name, :immutable_string

person = Person.new
person.name = 1

person.name # => "1"
person.name.frozen? # => true

Values are coerced to strings using their to_s method. Boolean values are treated differently, however: true will be cast to "t" and false will be cast to "f". These strings can be customized when declaring an attribute:

class Person
  include ActiveModel::Attributes

  attribute :active, :immutable_string, true: "aye", false: "nay"

person = Person.new
person.active = true

person.active # => "aye"
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