

v7.1.3.4 - Show latest stable - 0 notes - Class: MessageDelivery
enqueue_delivery(delivery_method, options = {}) private

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# File actionmailer/lib/action_mailer/message_delivery.rb, line 140
      def enqueue_delivery(delivery_method, options = {})
        if processed?
          ::Kernel.raise "You've accessed the message before asking to "              "deliver it later, so you may have made local changes that would "              "be silently lost if we enqueued a job to deliver it. Why? Only "              "the mailer method *arguments* are passed with the delivery job! "              "Do not access the message in any way if you mean to deliver it "              "later. Workarounds: 1. don't touch the message before calling "              "#deliver_later, 2. only touch the message *within your mailer "              "method*, or 3. use a custom Active Job instead of #deliver_later."
  , @action.to_s, delivery_method.to_s, args: @args)
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