

v7.1.3.4 - Show latest stable - 0 notes - Class: Renderer
new(controller, env, defaults) public

Initializes a new Renderer.


  • controller - The controller class to instantiate for rendering.

  • env - The Rack env to use for mocking a request when rendering. Entries can be typical Rack env keys and values, or they can be any of the following, which will be converted appropriately:

    • :http_host - The HTTP host for the incoming request. Converts to Rack’s HTTP_HOST.

    • :https - Boolean indicating whether the incoming request uses HTTPS. Converts to Rack’s HTTPS.

    • :method - The HTTP method for the incoming request, case-insensitive. Converts to Rack’s REQUEST_METHOD.

    • :script_name - The portion of the incoming request’s URL path that corresponds to the application. Converts to Rack’s SCRIPT_NAME.

    • :input - The input stream. Converts to Rack’s rack.input.

  • defaults - Default values for the Rack env. Entries are specified in the same format as env. env will be merged on top of these values. defaults will be retained when calling #new on a renderer instance.

If no http_host is specified, the env HTTP host will be derived from the routes’ default_url_options. In this case, the https boolean and the script_name will also be derived from default_url_options if they were not specified. Additionally, the https boolean will fall back to Rails.application.config.force_ssl if default_url_options does not specify a protocol.

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