

v7.1.3.2 - Show latest stable - 0 notes - Class: Scheme
new(key_provider: nil, key: nil, deterministic: nil, support_unencrypted_data: nil, downcase: nil, ignore_case: nil, previous_schemes: nil, **context_properties) public

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# File activerecord/lib/active_record/encryption/scheme.rb, line 13
      def initialize(key_provider: nil, key: nil, deterministic: nil, support_unencrypted_data: nil, downcase: nil, ignore_case: nil,
                     previous_schemes: nil, **context_properties)
        # Initializing all attributes to +nil+ as we want to allow a "not set" semantics so that we
        # can merge schemes without overriding values with defaults. See +#merge+

        @key_provider_param = key_provider
        @key = key
        @deterministic = deterministic
        @support_unencrypted_data = support_unencrypted_data
        @downcase = downcase || ignore_case
        @ignore_case = ignore_case
        @previous_schemes_param = previous_schemes
        @previous_schemes = Array.wrap(previous_schemes)
        @context_properties = context_properties

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