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Class: ActiveRecord::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods
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alias_attribute_method_definition(code_generator, pattern, new_name, old_name)
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# File activerecord/lib/active_record/attribute_methods.rb, line 85 def alias_attribute_method_definition(code_generator, pattern, new_name, old_name) method_name = pattern.method_name(new_name).to_s target_name = pattern.method_name(old_name).to_s parameters = pattern.parameters old_name = old_name.to_s method_defined = method_defined?(target_name) || private_method_defined?(target_name) manually_defined = method_defined && !self.instance_method(target_name).owner.is_a?(GeneratedAttributeMethods) reserved_method_name = ::ActiveRecord::AttributeMethods.dangerous_attribute_methods.include?(target_name) if !abstract_class? && !has_attribute?(old_name) # We only need to issue this deprecation warning once, so we issue it when defining the original reader method. should_warn = target_name == old_name if should_warn ActiveRecord.deprecator.warn( "#{self} model aliases `#{old_name}`, but `#{old_name}` is not an attribute. " "Starting in Rails 7.2, alias_attribute with non-attribute targets will raise. " "Use `alias_method :#{new_name}, :#{old_name}` or define the method manually." ) end super elsif manually_defined && !reserved_method_name aliased_method_redefined_as_well = method_defined_within?(method_name, self) return if aliased_method_redefined_as_well ActiveRecord.deprecator.warn( "#{self} model aliases `#{old_name}` and has a method called `#{target_name}` defined. " "Starting in Rails 7.2 `#{method_name}` will not be calling `#{target_name}` anymore. " "You may want to additionally define `#{method_name}` to preserve the current behavior." ) super else define_proxy_call(code_generator, method_name, pattern.proxy_target, parameters, old_name, namespace: :proxy_alias_attribute ) end end