

v7.1.3.2 - Show latest stable - 0 notes - Class: Attribute
has_rich_text(name, encrypted: false, strict_loading: strict_loading_by_default) public

Provides access to a dependent RichText model that holds the body and attachments for a single named rich text attribute. This dependent attribute is lazily instantiated and will be auto-saved when it’s been changed. Example:

class Message < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_rich_text :content

message = Message.create!(content: "<h1>Funny times!</h1>")
message.content? #=> true
message.content.to_s # => "<h1>Funny times!</h1>"
message.content.to_plain_text # => "Funny times!"

The dependent RichText model will also automatically process attachments links as sent via the Trix-powered editor. These attachments are associated with the RichText model using Active Storage.

If you wish to preload the dependent RichText model, you can use the named scope:

Message.all.with_rich_text_content # Avoids N+1 queries when you just want the body, not the attachments.
Message.all.with_rich_text_content_and_embeds # Avoids N+1 queries when you just want the body and attachments.
Message.all.with_all_rich_text # Loads all rich text associations.


  • :encrypted - Pass true to encrypt the rich text attribute. The encryption will be non-deterministic. See +ActiveRecord::Encryption::EncryptableRecord.encrypts+. Default: false.

  • :strict_loading - Pass true to force strict loading. When omitted, strict_loading: will be set to the value of the strict_loading_by_default class attribute (false by default).

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