

v7.0.0 - Show latest stable - 0 notes - Class: ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::IndexDefinition
new( table, name, unique = false, columns = [], lengths: {}, orders: {}, opclasses: {}, where: nil, type: nil, using: nil, comment: nil ) public

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# File activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/schema_definitions.rb, line 11
      def initialize(
        table, name,
        unique = false,
        columns = [],
        lengths: {},
        orders: {},
        opclasses: {},
        where: nil,
        type: nil,
        using: nil,
        comment: nil
        @table = table
        @name = name
        @unique = unique
        @columns = columns
        @lengths = concise_options(lengths)
        @orders = concise_options(orders)
        @opclasses = concise_options(opclasses)
        @where = where
        @type = type
        @using = using
        @comment = comment
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