source_extract(indentation = 0) public

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# File actionview/lib/action_view/template/error.rb, line 179
      def source_extract(indentation = 0)
        return [] unless num = line_number
        num = num.to_i

        source_code = @template.encode!.split("\n")

        start_on_line = [ num - SOURCE_CODE_RADIUS - 1, 0 ].max
        end_on_line   = [ num + SOURCE_CODE_RADIUS - 1, source_code.length].min

        indent = end_on_line.to_s.size + indentation
        return [] unless source_code = source_code[start_on_line..end_on_line]

        formatted_code_for(source_code, start_on_line, indent)
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