

v6.1.7.7 - Show latest stable - 0 notes - Class: Resources
resources(*resources, &block) public

In Rails, a resourceful route provides a mapping between HTTP verbs and URLs and controller actions. By convention, each action also maps to particular CRUD operations in a database. A single entry in the routing file, such as

resources :photos

creates seven different routes in your application, all mapping to the Photos controller:

GET       /photos
GET       /photos/new
POST      /photos
GET       /photos/:id
GET       /photos/:id/edit
PATCH/PUT /photos/:id
DELETE    /photos/:id

Resources can also be nested infinitely by using this block syntax:

resources :photos do
  resources :comments

This generates the following comments routes:

GET       /photos/:photo_id/comments
GET       /photos/:photo_id/comments/new
POST      /photos/:photo_id/comments
GET       /photos/:photo_id/comments/:id
GET       /photos/:photo_id/comments/:id/edit
PATCH/PUT /photos/:photo_id/comments/:id
DELETE    /photos/:photo_id/comments/:id


Takes same options as match[rdoc-ref:Base#match] as well as:


Allows you to change the segment component of the edit and new actions. Actions not specified are not changed.

resources :posts, path_names: { new: "brand_new" }

The above example will now change /posts/new to /posts/brand_new.


Allows you to change the path prefix for the resource.

resources :posts, path: 'postings'

The resource and all segments will now route to /postings instead of /posts.


Only generate routes for the given actions.

resources :cows, only: :show
resources :cows, only: [:show, :index]

Generate all routes except for the given actions.

resources :cows, except: :show
resources :cows, except: [:show, :index]

Generates shallow routes for nested resource(s). When placed on a parent resource, generates shallow routes for all nested resources.

resources :posts, shallow: true do
  resources :comments

Is the same as:

resources :posts do
  resources :comments, except: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy]
resources :comments, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy]

This allows URLs for resources that otherwise would be deeply nested such as a comment on a blog post like /posts/a-long-permalink/comments/1234 to be shortened to just /comments/1234.

Set shallow: false on a child resource to ignore a parent’s shallow parameter.


Prefixes nested shallow routes with the specified path.

scope shallow_path: "sekret" do
  resources :posts do
    resources :comments, shallow: true

The comments resource here will have the following routes generated for it:

post_comments    GET       /posts/:post_id/comments(.:format)
post_comments    POST      /posts/:post_id/comments(.:format)
new_post_comment GET       /posts/:post_id/comments/new(.:format)
edit_comment     GET       /sekret/comments/:id/edit(.:format)
comment          GET       /sekret/comments/:id(.:format)
comment          PATCH/PUT /sekret/comments/:id(.:format)
comment          DELETE    /sekret/comments/:id(.:format)

Prefixes nested shallow route names with specified prefix.

scope shallow_prefix: "sekret" do
  resources :posts do
    resources :comments, shallow: true

The comments resource here will have the following routes generated for it:

post_comments           GET       /posts/:post_id/comments(.:format)
post_comments           POST      /posts/:post_id/comments(.:format)
new_post_comment        GET       /posts/:post_id/comments/new(.:format)
edit_sekret_comment     GET       /comments/:id/edit(.:format)
sekret_comment          GET       /comments/:id(.:format)
sekret_comment          PATCH/PUT /comments/:id(.:format)
sekret_comment          DELETE    /comments/:id(.:format)

Allows you to specify the default value for optional format segment or disable it by supplying false.


Allows you to override the default param name of :id in the URL.


# routes call <tt>Admin::PostsController</tt>
resources :posts, module: "admin"

# resource actions are at /admin/posts.
resources :posts, path: "admin/posts"
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