v6.1.7.7 - Show latest stable - 0 notes

HTTP Permissions Policy is a web standard for defining a mechanism to allow and deny the use of browser permissions in its own context, and in content within any <iframe> elements in the document.

Full details of HTTP Permissions Policy specification and guidelines can be found at MDN:


Examples of usage:

# Global policy
Rails.application.config.permissions_policy do |f|
  f.camera      :none
  f.gyroscope   :none
  f.microphone  :none
  f.usb         :none
  f.fullscreen  :self
  f.payment     :self, "https://secure.example.com"

# Controller level policy
class PagesController < ApplicationController
  permissions_policy do |p|
    p.geolocation "https://example.com"
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