
assert_emails(number, &block)
Asserts that the number of emails sent matches the given number.
def test_emails assert_emails 0 ContactMailer.welcome.deliver_now assert_emails 1 ContactMailer.welcome.deliver_now assert_emails 2 end
If a block is passed, that block should cause the specified number of emails to be sent.
def test_emails_again assert_emails 1 do ContactMailer.welcome.deliver_now end assert_emails 2 do ContactMailer.welcome.deliver_now ContactMailer.welcome.deliver_later end end
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thewinner -
May 6, 2011

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Asserting Emails
–setup_mailer.rb in config/initializers –rails g mailer MailerName –methods in mailer_name.rb –files in views/mailer_name –MailerName.method(@object).deliver in object controller