v6.0.0 - Show latest stable - 0 notes - Superclass: Object

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LAYOUT_DEPENDENCY = /\A (?:\s*\(?\s*) # optional opening paren surrounded by spaces (?:.*?#{LAYOUT_HASH_KEY}) # check if the line has layout key declaration (?:#{STRING}|#{VARIABLE_OR_METHOD_CHAIN}) # finally, the dependency name of interest /xm

RENDER_ARGUMENTS = /\A (?:\s*\(?\s*) # optional opening paren surrounded by spaces (?:.*?#{PARTIAL_HASH_KEY}|#{LAYOUT_HASH_KEY})? # optional hash, up to the partial or layout key declaration (?:#{STRING}|#{VARIABLE_OR_METHOD_CHAIN}) # finally, the dependency name of interest /xm

LAYOUT_HASH_KEY = / (?:\blayout:|:layout\s*=>) # layout key in either old or new style hash syntax \s* # followed by optional spaces /x

PARTIAL_HASH_KEY = / (?:\bpartial:|:partial\s*=>) # partial key in either old or new style hash syntax \s* # followed by optional spaces /x

STRING = / (?['"]) # an opening quote (?.*?) # with anything inside, captured as STATIC \k # and a matching closing quote /x

VARIABLE_OR_METHOD_CHAIN = / (?:\$|@{1,2})? # optional global, instance or class variable indicator (?:#{IDENTIFIER}\.)* # followed by an optional chain of zero-argument method calls (?#{IDENTIFIER}) # and a final valid identifier, captured as DYNAMIC /x

IDENTIFIER = / [[:alpha:]_] # at least one uppercase letter, lowercase letter or underscore [[:word:]]* # followed by optional letters, numbers or underscores /x

EXPLICIT_DEPENDENCY = /# Template Dependency: (\S+)/


[R] template
[R] name
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