_decrypt(encrypted_message, purpose) private

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# File activesupport/lib/active_support/message_encryptor.rb, line 183
      def _decrypt(encrypted_message, purpose)
        cipher = new_cipher
        encrypted_data, iv, auth_tag = encrypted_message.split("--".freeze).map { |v| ::Base64.strict_decode64(v) }

        # Currently the OpenSSL bindings do not raise an error if auth_tag is
        # truncated, which would allow an attacker to easily forge it. See
        # https://github.com/ruby/openssl/issues/63
        raise InvalidMessage if aead_mode? && (auth_tag.nil? || auth_tag.bytes.length != 16)

        cipher.key = @secret
        cipher.iv  = iv
        if aead_mode?
          cipher.auth_tag = auth_tag
          cipher.auth_data = ""

        decrypted_data = cipher.update(encrypted_data)
        decrypted_data << cipher.final

        message = Messages::Metadata.verify(decrypted_data, purpose)
        @serializer.load(message) if message
      rescue OpenSSLCipherError, TypeError, ArgumentError
        raise InvalidMessage
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