<<(*records) public

Adds one or more records to the collection by setting their foreign keys to the association’s primary key. Since +<<+ flattens its argument list and inserts each record, push and concat behave identically. Returns self so several appends may be chained together.

class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :pets

person.pets.size # => 0
person.pets << Pet.new(name: 'Fancy-Fancy')
person.pets << [Pet.new(name: 'Spook'), Pet.new(name: 'Choo-Choo')]
person.pets.size # => 3

person.id # => 1
# => [
#      #<Pet id: 1, name: "Fancy-Fancy", person_id: 1>,
#      #<Pet id: 2, name: "Spook", person_id: 1>,
#      #<Pet id: 3, name: "Choo-Choo", person_id: 1>
#    ]
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