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PATTERNS = { rb: { line_comment: /^\s*#/, begin_block_comment: /^=begin/, end_block_comment: /^=end/, class: /^\s*class\s+[_A-Z]/, method: /^\s*def\s+[_a-z]/, }, js: { line_comment: %r{^\s*//}, begin_block_comment: %r{^\s*/\*}, end_block_comment: %r{\*/}, method: /function(\s+[_a-zA-Z][\da-zA-Z]*)?\s*\(/, }, coffee: { line_comment: /^\s*#/, begin_block_comment: /^\s*###/, end_block_comment: /^\s*###/, class: /^\s*class\s+[_A-Z]/, method: /[-=]>/, } }


[R] methods
[R] classes
[R] code_lines
[R] lines
Show files where this class is defined (1 file)
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