humanize(lower_case_and_underscored_word, options = {}) public

Tweaks an attribute name for display to end users.

Specifically, performs these transformations:

  • Applies human inflection rules to the argument.

  • Deletes leading underscores, if any.

  • Removes a “_id” suffix if present.

  • Replaces underscores with spaces, if any.

  • Downcases all words except acronyms.

  • Capitalizes the first word.

The capitalization of the first word can be turned off by setting the :capitalize option to false (default is true).

humanize('employee_salary')              # => "Employee salary"
humanize('author_id')                    # => "Author"
humanize('author_id', capitalize: false) # => "author"
humanize('_id')                          # => "Id"

If “SSL” was defined to be an acronym:

humanize('ssl_error') # => "SSL error"
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