start() public

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# File railties/lib/rails/commands/dbconsole.rb, line 53
    def start
      options = self.class.parse_arguments(arguments)
      ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = options[:environment] || environment

      case config["adapter"]
      when /^(jdbc)?mysql/
        args = {
          'host'      => '--host',
          'port'      => '--port',
          'socket'    => '--socket',
          'username'  => '--user',
          'encoding'  => '--default-character-set',
          'sslca'     => '--ssl-ca',
          'sslcert'   => '--ssl-cert',
          'sslcapath' => '--ssl-capath',
          'sslcipher' => '--ssl-cipher',
          'sslkey'    => '--ssl-key'
        }.map { |opt, arg| "#{arg}=#{config[opt]}" if config[opt] }.compact

        if config['password'] && options['include_password']
          args << "--password=#{config['password']}"
        elsif config['password'] && !config['password'].to_s.empty?
          args << "-p"

        args << config['database']

        find_cmd_and_exec(['mysql', 'mysql5'], *args)

      when /^postgres|^postgis/
        ENV['PGUSER']     = config["username"] if config["username"]
        ENV['PGHOST']     = config["host"] if config["host"]
        ENV['PGPORT']     = config["port"].to_s if config["port"]
        ENV['PGPASSWORD'] = config["password"].to_s if config["password"] && options['include_password']
        find_cmd_and_exec('psql', config["database"])

      when "sqlite3"
        args = []

        args << "-#{options['mode']}" if options['mode']
        args << "-header" if options['header']
        args << File.expand_path(config['database'], Rails.respond_to?(:root) ? Rails.root : nil)

        find_cmd_and_exec('sqlite3', *args)

      when "oracle", "oracle_enhanced"
        logon = ""

        if config['username']
          logon = config['username']
          logon << "/#{config['password']}" if config['password'] && options['include_password']
          logon << "@#{config['database']}" if config['database']

        find_cmd_and_exec('sqlplus', logon)

      when "sqlserver"
        args = []

        args += ["-D", "#{config['database']}"] if config['database']
        args += ["-U", "#{config['username']}"] if config['username']
        args += ["-P", "#{config['password']}"] if config['password']

        if config['host']
          host_arg = "#{config['host']}"
          host_arg << ":#{config['port']}" if config['port']
          args += ["-S", host_arg]

        find_cmd_and_exec("sqsh", *args)

        abort "Unknown command-line client for #{config['database']}."
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