new(options) public

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# File activemodel/lib/active_model/validations/length.rb, line 11
      def initialize(options)
        if range = (options.delete(:in) || options.delete(:within))
          raise ArgumentError, ":in and :within must be a Range" unless range.is_a?(Range)
          options[:minimum], options[:maximum] = range.min, range.max

        if options[:allow_blank] == false && options[:minimum].nil? && options[:is].nil?
          options[:minimum] = 1

        if options[:tokenizer]
          ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn(            The `:tokenizer` option is deprecated, and will be removed in Rails 5.1.            You can achieve the same functionality by defining an instance method            with the value that you want to validate the length of. For example,                validates_length_of :essay, minimum: 100,                  tokenizer: ->(str) { str.scan(/\w+/) }            should be written as                validates_length_of :words_in_essay, minimum: 100                private                def words_in_essay                  essay.scan(/\w+/)                end.strip_heredoc)

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