

v5.0.0.1 - Show latest stable - 0 notes - Class: ActionController::Redirecting
redirect_back(fallback_location:, **args) public

Redirects the browser to the page that issued the request (the referrer) if possible, otherwise redirects to the provided default fallback location.

The referrer information is pulled from the HTTP `Referer` (sic) header on the request. This is an optional header and its presence on the request is subject to browser security settings and user preferences. If the request is missing this header, the fallback_location will be used.

redirect_back fallback_location: { action: "show", id: 5 }
redirect_back fallback_location: post
redirect_back fallback_location: ""
redirect_back fallback_location:  "/images/screenshot.jpg"
redirect_back fallback_location:  articles_url
redirect_back fallback_location:  proc { edit_post_url(@post) }

All options that can be passed to redirect_to are accepted as options and the behavior is identical.

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