parse(column_definition) public

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# File railties/lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb, line 14
        def parse(column_definition)
          name, type, has_index = column_definition.split(':')

          # if user provided "name:index" instead of "name:string:index"
          # type should be set blank so GeneratedAttribute's constructor
          # could set it to :string
          has_index, type = type, nil if INDEX_OPTIONS.include?(type)

          type, attr_options = *parse_type_and_options(type)
          type = type.to_sym if type

          if type && reference?(type)
            references_index = UNIQ_INDEX_OPTIONS.include?(has_index) ? { unique: true } : true
            attr_options[:index] = references_index

          new(name, type, has_index, attr_options)
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