
v4.1.8 -
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Class: CollectionProxy
- 1.0.0
- 1.1.6
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- 2.3.8
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- 4.0.2 (0)
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- 4.2.1 (0)
- 4.2.7 (0)
- 4.2.9 (10)
- (38)
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- 5.2.3 (0)
- 6.0.0 (0)
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- 7.0.0 (0)
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- What's this?
Destroys the records supplied and removes them from the collection. This method will always remove record from the database ignoring the :dependent option. Returns an array with the removed records.
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :pets end person.pets.size # => 3 person.pets # => [ # #<Pet id: 1, name: "Fancy-Fancy", person_id: 1>, # #<Pet id: 2, name: "Spook", person_id: 1>, # #<Pet id: 3, name: "Choo-Choo", person_id: 1> # ] person.pets.destroy(Pet.find(1)) # => [#<Pet id: 1, name: "Fancy-Fancy", person_id: 1>] person.pets.size # => 2 person.pets # => [ # #<Pet id: 2, name: "Spook", person_id: 1>, # #<Pet id: 3, name: "Choo-Choo", person_id: 1> # ] person.pets.destroy(Pet.find(2), Pet.find(3)) # => [ # #<Pet id: 2, name: "Spook", person_id: 1>, # #<Pet id: 3, name: "Choo-Choo", person_id: 1> # ] person.pets.size # => 0 person.pets # => [] Pet.find(1, 2, 3) # => ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound: Couldn't find all Pets with IDs (1, 2, 3)
You can pass Fixnum or String values, it finds the records responding to the id and then deletes them from the database.
person.pets.size # => 3 person.pets # => [ # #<Pet id: 4, name: "Benny", person_id: 1>, # #<Pet id: 5, name: "Brain", person_id: 1>, # #<Pet id: 6, name: "Boss", person_id: 1> # ] person.pets.destroy("4") # => #<Pet id: 4, name: "Benny", person_id: 1> person.pets.size # => 2 person.pets # => [ # #<Pet id: 5, name: "Brain", person_id: 1>, # #<Pet id: 6, name: "Boss", person_id: 1> # ] person.pets.destroy(5, 6) # => [ # #<Pet id: 5, name: "Brain", person_id: 1>, # #<Pet id: 6, name: "Boss", person_id: 1> # ] person.pets.size # => 0 person.pets # => [] Pet.find(4, 5, 6) # => ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound: Couldn't find all Pets with IDs (4, 5, 6)