

v4.0.2 - Show latest stable - 0 notes - Class: ActionDispatch::Assertions::TagAssertions
assert_no_tag(*opts) public

Identical to assert_tag, but asserts that a matching tag does not exist. (See assert_tag for a full discussion of the syntax.)

# Assert that there is not a "div" containing a "p"
assert_no_tag tag: "div", descendant: { tag: "p" }

# Assert that an unordered list is empty
assert_no_tag tag: "ul", descendant: { tag: "li" }

# Assert that there is not a "p" tag with between 1 to 3 "img" tags
# as immediate children
assert_no_tag tag: "p",
           children: { count: 1..3, only: { tag: "img" } }
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