- 1.0.0 (0)
- 1.1.6 (0)
- 1.2.6 (0)
- 2.0.3 (3)
- 2.1.0 (0)
- 2.2.1 (2)
- 2.3.8 (-5)
- 3.0.0 (0)
- 3.0.9 (-1)
- 3.1.0 (0)
- 3.2.1 (0)
- 3.2.8 (0)
- 3.2.13 (0)
- 4.0.2 (10)
- 4.1.8 (0)
- 4.2.1 (0)
- 4.2.7 (0)
- 4.2.9 (0)
- 5.1.7
- 5.2.3
- 6.0.0
- 7.0.0
- What's this?
The MySQL adapter will work with both Ruby/MySQL, which is a Ruby-based MySQL adapter that comes bundled with Active Record, and with the faster C-based MySQL/Ruby adapter (available both as a gem and from http://www.tmtm.org/en/mysql/ruby/).
:host - Defaults to “localhost”.
:port - Defaults to 3306.
:socket - Defaults to “/tmp/mysql.sock”.
:username - Defaults to “root”
:password - Defaults to nothing.
:database - The name of the database. No default, must be provided.
:encoding - (Optional) Sets the client encoding by executing “SET NAMES <encoding>” after connection.
:reconnect - Defaults to false (See MySQL documentation: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/auto-reconnect.html).
:sslca - Necessary to use MySQL with an SSL connection.
:sslkey - Necessary to use MySQL with an SSL connection.
:sslcert - Necessary to use MySQL with an SSL connection.
:sslcapath - Necessary to use MySQL with an SSL connection.
:sslcipher - Necessary to use MySQL with an SSL connection.
ENCODINGS = { "armscii8" => nil, "ascii" => Encoding::US_ASCII, "big5" => Encoding::Big5, "binary" => Encoding::ASCII_8BIT, "cp1250" => Encoding::Windows_1250, "cp1251" => Encoding::Windows_1251, "cp1256" => Encoding::Windows_1256, "cp1257" => Encoding::Windows_1257, "cp850" => Encoding::CP850, "cp852" => Encoding::CP852, "cp866" => Encoding::IBM866, "cp932" => Encoding::Windows_31J, "dec8" => nil, "eucjpms" => Encoding::EucJP_ms, "euckr" => Encoding::EUC_KR, "gb2312" => Encoding::EUC_CN, "gbk" => Encoding::GBK, "geostd8" => nil, "greek" => Encoding::ISO_8859_7, "hebrew" => Encoding::ISO_8859_8, "hp8" => nil, "keybcs2" => nil, "koi8r" => Encoding::KOI8_R, "koi8u" => Encoding::KOI8_U, "latin1" => Encoding::ISO_8859_1, "latin2" => Encoding::ISO_8859_2, "latin5" => Encoding::ISO_8859_9, "latin7" => Encoding::ISO_8859_13, "macce" => Encoding::MacCentEuro, "macroman" => Encoding::MacRoman, "sjis" => Encoding::SHIFT_JIS, "swe7" => nil, "tis620" => Encoding::TIS_620, "ucs2" => Encoding::UTF_16BE, "ujis" => Encoding::EucJP_ms, "utf8" => Encoding::UTF_8, "utf8mb4" => Encoding::UTF_8, }

Compiling mysql gem in Leopard with MacPorts MySQL
Needs architecture and reference to mysql_config:
sudo env ARCHFLAGS="-arch i386" gem install mysql -- \ --with-mysql-config=/opt/local/lib/mysql5/bin/mysql_config