
submit_tag(value = "Save changes", options = {})
Creates a submit button with the text value as the caption.
:confirm => 'question?' - If present the unobtrusive JavaScript drivers will provide a prompt with the question specified. If the user accepts, the form is processed normally, otherwise no action is taken.
:disabled - If true, the user will not be able to use this input.
:disable_with - Value of this parameter will be used as the value for a disabled version of the submit button when the form is submitted. This feature is provided by the unobtrusive JavaScript driver.
Any other key creates standard HTML options for the tag.
submit_tag # => <input name="commit" type="submit" value="Save changes" /> submit_tag "Edit this article" # => <input name="commit" type="submit" value="Edit this article" /> submit_tag "Save edits", :disabled => true # => <input disabled="disabled" name="commit" type="submit" value="Save edits" /> submit_tag "Complete sale", :disable_with => "Please wait..." # => <input name="commit" data-disable-with="Please wait..." type="submit" value="Complete sale" /> submit_tag nil, :class => "form_submit" # => <input class="form_submit" name="commit" type="submit" /> submit_tag "Edit", :disable_with => "Editing...", :class => "edit_button" # => <input class="edit_button" data-disable_with="Editing..." name="commit" type="submit" value="Edit" /> submit_tag "Save", :confirm => "Are you sure?" # => <input name='commit' type='submit' value='Save' data-confirm="Are you sure?" />

:disable_with is deprecated
Or you can use this way:
<%= submit_tag "Login", data: { disable_with: "Please wait.." } %>

:disable_with is deprecated
Since version 3.2.5 you should not use :disable_with.
Use this:
<%= submit_tag "Login", 'data-disable-with' => "Please wait.." %>

Have submit_tag send value as a nested resource
To have the submit_tag send it’s value within a nested resource for strong params use the name paramter.
submit_tag("Send", name: 'article[submit]')