after_commit(*args, &block) public

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October 11, 2013 - (<= v3.2.13)
2 thanks

Bug - this is not working as documented

The stacking of several after_commit lines is not working. The last line overwrites the ones before.

Using an array for the :on options is also not working.

For details look here:

March 5, 2013 - (v3.0.0 - v3.2.8)
0 thanks

Exceptions raised within are ignored.


The after_commit and after_rollback callbacks are guaranteed to be called for all models created, updated, or destroyed within a transaction block. If any exceptions are raised within one of these callbacks, they will be ignored so that they don’t interfere with the other callbacks. As such, if your callback code could raise an exception, you’ll need to rescue it and handle it appropriately within the callback.