number_to_percentage(number, options = {}) public

Formats a number as a percentage string (e.g., 65%). You can customize the format in the options hash.


  • :locale - Sets the locale to be used for formatting (defaults to current locale).

  • :precision - Sets the precision of the number (defaults to 3).

  • :significant - If true, precision will be the # of significant_digits. If false, the # of fractional digits (defaults to false)

  • :separator - Sets the separator between the fractional and integer digits (defaults to “.”).

  • :delimiter - Sets the thousands delimiter (defaults to “”).

  • :strip_insignificant_zeros - If true removes insignificant zeros after the decimal separator (defaults to false)


number_to_percentage(100)                                        # => 100.000%
number_to_percentage(100, :precision => 0)                       # => 100%
number_to_percentage(1000, :delimiter => '.', :separator => ',') # => 1.000,000%
number_to_percentage(302.24398923423, :precision => 5)           # => 302.24399%
number_to_percentage(1000, :locale => :fr)                       # => 1 000,000%
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