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November 14, 2010 - (v3.0.0)
2 thanks

Documentation (v3.0.1)

Documentation for this module (taken from ActiveSupport 3.0.1):

# A typical module looks like this
#   module M
#     def self.included(base)
#       base.send(:extend, ClassMethods)
#       base.send(:include, InstanceMethods)
#       scope :foo, :conditions => { :created_at => nil }
#     end
#     module ClassMethods
#       def cm; puts 'I am a class method'; end
#     end
#     module InstanceMethods
#       def im; puts 'I am an instance method'; end
#     end
#   end
# By using <tt>ActiveSupport::Concern</tt> the above module could instead be written as:
#   module M
#     extend ActiveSupport::Concern
#     included do
#       scope :foo, :conditions => { :created_at => nil }
#     end
#     module ClassMethods
#       def cm; puts 'I am a class method'; end
#     end
#     module InstanceMethods
#       def im; puts 'I am an instance method'; end
#     end
#   end