current_page?(options) public

True if the current request URI was generated by the given options.


Let’s say we’re in the /shop/checkout?order=desc action.

current_page?(:action => 'process')
# => false

current_page?(:controller => 'shop', :action => 'checkout')
# => true

current_page?(:controller => 'shop', :action => 'checkout', :order => 'asc')
# => false

current_page?(:action => 'checkout')
# => true

current_page?(:controller => 'library', :action => 'checkout')
# => false

Let’s say we’re in the /shop/checkout?order=desc&page=1 action.

current_page?(:action => 'process')
# => false

current_page?(:controller => 'shop', :action => 'checkout')
# => true

current_page?(:controller => 'shop', :action => 'checkout', :order => 'desc', :page=>'1')
# => true

current_page?(:controller => 'shop', :action => 'checkout', :order => 'desc', :page=>'2')
# => false

current_page?(:controller => 'shop', :action => 'checkout', :order => 'desc')
# => false

current_page?(:action => 'checkout')
# => true

current_page?(:controller => 'library', :action => 'checkout')
# => false
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January 16, 2009
7 thanks


Code example

# => true
January 2, 2009
3 thanks

current_action? and current_controller?

I use them in link_unless_current_controller helper.

def current_action?(options)
  url_string = CGI.escapeHTML(url_for(options))
  params = ActionController::Routing::Routes.recognize_path(url_string, :method => :get)
  params[:controller] == @controller.controller_name && params[:action] == @controller.action_name

def current_controller?(options)
  url_string = CGI.escapeHTML(url_for(options))
  params = ActionController::Routing::Routes.recognize_path(url_string, :method => :get)
  params[:controller] == @controller.controller_name
December 11, 2008
3 thanks

with resources



# => true