select(*args) public

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November 24, 2014
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Arguments for .select must be array, :other_field, :and_one_more) has a typo. It must take an array of arguments as the description states:[:field, :other_field, :and_one_more])

January 5, 2015
1 thank

arguments do not need to be an array

it’s a small point, but if you look at the source, the method is defined with the splat operator in the arguments:

def select (*fields)

this means that a list of arguments is automatically converted to an array. There is no typo in the description above.

It will also work to pass an array:

select([:field1, :field2])

although the select method interprets this as a single argument, and places it into an array (due to the splat operator), this is then passed to the _select(*fields) method, which immediately calls fields.flatten!

So either a list or an array may be passed, both will work.

December 20, 2017
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Counting with select

If you try to write'field_one', 'field_two AS something').count

it will fail (at least for Rails 5.0) with the message PG::SyntaxError: ERROR: syntax error at or near “AS”. In order to fix that issue, you should write'field_one', 'field_two AS something').count(:all)