add_column(table_name, column_name, type, options = {}) public

Adds a new column to the named table. See TableDefinition#column for details of the options you can use.

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August 19, 2008
6 thanks

script/generate syntax

To add a post_id field to a comments table, run this:

script\generate migration add_post_id_to_comment post_id:integer

See that it´s not the table name(plural), but the model name(singular),<br /> and post_id:references, does not works like in create_table.

This is the generated migration:

class AddPostIdToComment < ActiveRecord::Migration
 def self.up
   add_column :comments, :post_id, :integer

 def self.down
   remove_column :comments, :post_id
July 7, 2009
5 thanks


Available options are (none of these exists by default):

* :limit - Requests a maximum column length. This is number of characters for :string and :text columns and number of bytes for :binary and :integer columns.
* :default - The column‘s default value. Use nil for NULL.
* :null - Allows or disallows NULL values in the column. This option could have been named :null_allowed.
* :precision - Specifies the precision for a :decimal column.
* :scale - Specifies the scale for a :decimal column.
September 15, 2008
4 thanks

:null => false

To not allow a column to have a NULL value, pass :null => false. Seems silly, but that’s it.

July 22, 2008
4 thanks


In your migration:

def self.up
  add_column :accounts, :is_admin, :boolean, :default => 0
February 25, 2010
1 thank


See ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::TableDefinition#column for details of the options you can use.

May 15, 2009
0 thanks

script/generate can take table name

As far as I can tell script/generate will happily take the plural table name, at least in Rails 2.3.