namespace(path, options = {}) public

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September 30, 2011 - (v3.0.0 - v3.1.0)
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Without module

If you want to have only the path prefix without namespacing your controller, pass :module => false.


namespace :account do
  resources :transactions, :only => [:index]

account_transactions GET /account/transactions(.:format)
{:controller=>"account/transactions", :action=>"index"}

With :module => false:

namespace :account, :module => false do
  resources :transactions, :only => [:index]

account_transactions GET /account/transactions(.:format)
{:controller=>"transactions", :action=>"index"}
January 10, 2012
0 thanks

with a params constant

If you want to have a params with the same value on all of the urls in this namespace, you can write this :

with a constant param :admin set to true

namespace :admin, :admin => true do
  resources :posts

all of the urls like /admin/post have a param :admin with the value true.

It works also with :

scope 'admin', :admin => true do

match 'administration', :admin => true => 'posts#index'

get 'administration', :admin => true
