v2.3.8 - Show latest stable - 0 notes

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XML_TYPE_NAMES = { "Symbol" => "symbol", "Fixnum" => "integer", "Bignum" => "integer", "BigDecimal" => "decimal", "Float" => "float", "TrueClass" => "boolean", "FalseClass" => "boolean", "Date" => "date", "DateTime" => "datetime", "Time" => "datetime", "ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone" => "datetime"

XML_FORMATTING = { "symbol" => Proc.new { |symbol| symbol.to_s }, "date" => Proc.new { |date| date.to_s(:db) }, "datetime" => Proc.new { |time| time.xmlschema }, "binary" => Proc.new { |binary| ActiveSupport::Base64.encode64(binary) }, "yaml" => Proc.new { |yaml| yaml.to_yaml }

XML_PARSING = { "symbol" => Proc.new { |symbol| symbol.to_sym }, "date" => Proc.new { |date| ::Date.parse(date) }, "datetime" => Proc.new { |time| ::Time.parse(time).utc rescue ::DateTime.parse(time).utc }, "integer" => Proc.new { |integer| integer.to_i }, "float" => Proc.new { |float| float.to_f }, "decimal" => Proc.new { |number| BigDecimal(number) }, "boolean" => Proc.new { |boolean| %w(1 true).include?(boolean.strip) }, "string" => Proc.new { |string| string.to_s }, "yaml" => Proc.new { |yaml| YAML::load(yaml) rescue yaml }, "base64Binary" => Proc.new { |bin| ActiveSupport::Base64.decode64(bin) }, "file" => Proc.new do |file, entity| f = StringIO.new(ActiveSupport::Base64.decode64(file))


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