

v2.1.0 - Show latest stable - 0 notes - Class: Rails::Generator::Scripts::Destroy
usage_message() protected

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# File railties/lib/rails_generator/scripts/destroy.rb, line 8
    def usage_message
      usage = "\nInstalled Generators\n"
      Rails::Generator::Base.sources.each do |source|
        label = source.label.to_s.capitalize
        names = source.names
        usage << "  #{label}: #{names.join(', ')}\n" unless names.empty?

      usage << "\nThis script will destroy all files created by the corresponding \nscript/generate command. For instance, script/destroy migration CreatePost\nwill delete the appropriate ###_create_post.rb file in db/migrate, while \nscript/destroy scaffold Post will delete the posts controller and \nviews, post model and migration, all associated tests, and the map.resources\n:posts line in config/routes.rb.\n      \nFor instructions on finding new generators, run script/generate\n"
      return usage
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