
- 1.0.0 (0)
- 1.1.6 (2)
- 1.2.6 (6)
- 2.0.3 (-1)
- 2.1.0 (0)
- 2.2.1 (3)
- 2.3.8 (4)
- 3.0.0
- 3.0.9
- 3.1.0
- 3.2.1
- 3.2.8
- 3.2.13
- 4.0.2
- 4.1.8
- 4.2.1
- 4.2.7
- 4.2.9
- 5.1.7
- 5.2.3
- 6.0.0
- 7.0.0
- What's this?
render(options = nil, &block)
Renders the content that will be returned to the browser as the response body.
Rendering an action
Action rendering is the most common form and the type used automatically by Action Controller when nothing else is specified. By default, actions are rendered within the current layout (if one exists).
# Renders the template for the action "goal" within the current controller render :action => "goal" # Renders the template for the action "short_goal" within the current controller, # but without the current active layout render :action => "short_goal", :layout => false # Renders the template for the action "long_goal" within the current controller, # but with a custom layout render :action => "long_goal", :layout => "spectacular"
Rendering partials
Partial rendering in a controller is most commonly used together with Ajax calls that only update one or a few elements on a page without reloading. Rendering of partials from the controller makes it possible to use the same partial template in both the full-page rendering (by calling it from within the template) and when sub-page updates happen (from the controller action responding to Ajax calls). By default, the current layout is not used.
# Renders the same partial with a local variable. render :partial => "person", :locals => { :name => "david" } # Renders the partial, making @new_person available through # the local variable 'person' render :partial => "person", :object => @new_person # Renders a collection of the same partial by making each element # of @winners available through the local variable "person" as it # builds the complete response. render :partial => "person", :collection => @winners # Renders the same collection of partials, but also renders the # person_divider partial between each person partial. render :partial => "person", :collection => @winners, :spacer_template => "person_divider" # Renders a collection of partials located in a view subfolder # outside of our current controller. In this example we will be # rendering app/views/shared/_note.r(html|xml) Inside the partial # each element of @new_notes is available as the local var "note". render :partial => "shared/note", :collection => @new_notes # Renders the partial with a status code of 500 (internal error). render :partial => "broken", :status => 500
Note that the partial filename must also be a valid Ruby variable name, so e.g. 2005 and register-user are invalid.
Automatic etagging
Rendering will automatically insert the etag header on 200 OK responses. The etag is calculated using MD5 of the response body. If a request comes in that has a matching etag, the response will be changed to a 304 Not Modified and the response body will be set to an empty string. No etag header will be inserted if it’s already set.
Rendering a template
Template rendering works just like action rendering except that it takes a path relative to the template root. The current layout is automatically applied.
# Renders the template located in [TEMPLATE_ROOT]/weblog/show.r(html|xml) (in Rails, app/views/weblog/show.erb) render :template => "weblog/show"
Rendering a file
File rendering works just like action rendering except that it takes a filesystem path. By default, the path is assumed to be absolute, and the current layout is not applied.
# Renders the template located at the absolute filesystem path render :file => "/path/to/some/template.erb" render :file => "c:/path/to/some/template.erb" # Renders a template within the current layout, and with a 404 status code render :file => "/path/to/some/template.erb", :layout => true, :status => 404 render :file => "c:/path/to/some/template.erb", :layout => true, :status => 404 # Renders a template relative to the template root and chooses the proper file extension render :file => "some/template", :use_full_path => true
Rendering text
Rendering of text is usually used for tests or for rendering prepared content, such as a cache. By default, text rendering is not done within the active layout.
# Renders the clear text "hello world" with status code 200 render :text => "hello world!" # Renders the clear text "Explosion!" with status code 500 render :text => "Explosion!", :status => 500 # Renders the clear text "Hi there!" within the current active layout (if one exists) render :text => "Hi there!", :layout => true # Renders the clear text "Hi there!" within the layout # placed in "app/views/layouts/special.r(html|xml)" render :text => "Hi there!", :layout => "special"
The :text option can also accept a Proc object, which can be used to manually control the page generation. This should generally be avoided, as it violates the separation between code and content, and because almost everything that can be done with this method can also be done more cleanly using one of the other rendering methods, most notably templates.
# Renders "Hello from code!" render :text => proc { |response, output| output.write("Hello from code!") }
Rendering JSON
Rendering JSON sets the content type to application/json and optionally wraps the JSON in a callback. It is expected that the response will be parsed (or eval’d) for use as a data structure.
# Renders '{"name": "David"}' render :json => {:name => "David"}.to_json
It’s not necessary to call to_json on the object you want to render, since render will automatically do that for you:
# Also renders '{"name": "David"}' render :json => {:name => "David"}
Sometimes the result isn’t handled directly by a script (such as when the request comes from a SCRIPT tag), so the :callback option is provided for these cases.
# Renders 'show({"name": "David"})' render :json => {:name => "David"}.to_json, :callback => 'show'
Rendering an inline template
Rendering of an inline template works as a cross between text and action rendering where the source for the template is supplied inline, like text, but its interpreted with ERb or Builder, like action. By default, ERb is used for rendering and the current layout is not used.
# Renders "hello, hello, hello, again" render :inline => "<%= 'hello, ' * 3 + 'again' %>" # Renders "<p>Good seeing you!</p>" using Builder render :inline => "xml.p { 'Good seeing you!' }", :type => :builder # Renders "hello david" render :inline => "<%= 'hello ' + name %>", :locals => { :name => "david" }
Rendering inline JavaScriptGenerator page updates
In addition to rendering JavaScriptGenerator page updates with Ajax in RJS templates (see ActionView::Base for details), you can also pass the :update parameter to render, along with a block, to render page updates inline.
render :update do |page| page.replace_html 'user_list', :partial => 'user', :collection => @users page.visual_effect :highlight, 'user_list' end
Rendering with status and location headers
All renders take the :status and :location options and turn them into headers. They can even be used together:
render :xml => post.to_xml, :status => :created, :location => post_url(post)

List of status codes and their symbols
Note that the :status option accepts not only an HTTP status code (such as 500), but also a symbol representing that code (such as :created), if that makes more sense to you. Here’s a list of which symbols map to which numbers (derived from ActionController::StatusCodes::SYMBOL_TO_STATUS_CODE):
100 = :continue 101 = :switching_protocols 102 = :processing 200 = :ok 201 = :created 202 = :accepted 203 = :non_authoritative_information 204 = :no_content 205 = :reset_content 206 = :partial_content 207 = :multi_status 226 = :im_used 300 = :multiple_choices 301 = :moved_permanently 302 = :found 303 = :see_other 304 = :not_modified 305 = :use_proxy 307 = :temporary_redirect 400 = :bad_request 401 = :unauthorized 402 = :payment_required 403 = :forbidden 404 = :not_found 405 = :method_not_allowed 406 = :not_acceptable 407 = :proxy_authentication_required 408 = :request_timeout 409 = :conflict 410 = :gone 411 = :length_required 412 = :precondition_failed 413 = :request_entity_too_large 414 = :request_uri_too_long 415 = :unsupported_media_type 416 = :requested_range_not_satisfiable 417 = :expectation_failed 422 = :unprocessable_entity 423 = :locked 424 = :failed_dependency 426 = :upgrade_required 500 = :internal_server_error 501 = :not_implemented 502 = :bad_gateway 503 = :service_unavailable 504 = :gateway_timeout 505 = :http_version_not_supported 507 = :insufficient_storage 510 = :not_extended

Using counters with collections
When you’re rendering a collection partial, the partial_name_counter variable contains the position of the current element in the collection. For example:
<%= render(:partial => 'example', :collection => %w(rails-doc is cool)) %>
Now in _example.html.erb:
<p>Element: <%= example %> (index: <%= example_counter %>)</p>
It would produce:
<p>Element: rails-doc (index: 1)</p> <p>Element: is (index: 2)</p> <p>Element: cool (index: 3)</p>
As you can see, indexing starts from 1.

Rendering nothing
If your controller action does not explicitly call render, Rails will, by default, attempt to locate and render the template corresponding to the action. It’s not uncommon, for example with Ajax calls, to want to render nothing. This will circumvent the default rendering and prevent errors on missing templates. To render nothing simply do the following:
render :nothing => true
Its important to note that this isn’t the same as returning no HTTP response. In fact, this results in an HTTP response with a status code of 200 OK being sent back with a blank content body. Why does it matter? Well, you can still test your controller by asserting that a :success response was returned.

Custom collection local variable name
Regarding the previous note from hoodow about using :variable_name to create a custom local variable name when rendering a collection with a partial, the argument should be :as instead of :variable_name, so:
render :partial => “video_listing”, :collection => @recommendations, :as => :video

Streaming XML with Builder
To generate larger XMLs, it’s a good idea to a) stream the XML and b) use Active Record batch finders.
Here’s one way of doing it:
def my_action @items = Item.some_named_scope, :find_each, :batch_size => 500) respond_to do |format| format.xml do render :text => lambda { |response, output| extend ApplicationHelper xml = :target =>, :indent => 2) eval(default_template.source, binding, default_template.path) } end end end
The Builder template does not need to be modified.

You can wrap render in helpers. For example, render_collection. In app/helpers/application.rb:
module ApplicationHelper def render_collection(name, collection) render :partial => "shared/#{name}", :collection => collection end end
In views:
<h2>Comments</h2> <%= render_collection :comments, @photo.comments %>

Optional local assigns
When you have a partial with optional local assigns, for instance:
<%= render :partial => 'articles/preview' %> <%= render :partial => 'articles/preview', :locals => { :show_call_out => true } %>
And you don’t want the partial to break when the local isn’t assigned, you can reference it through the local_assigns local variable instead of through the template binding:
<% if local_assigns[:show_call_out] %> <em><%= format @article.call_out %></em> <% end %>

In Edge Rails you can do something like this to change the local variable name when rendering a collection:
render :partial => “video_listing”, :collection => @recommendations, :variable_name => “video”

Rendering YAML
When you want to render XML or YAML you can use
render :xml, some_object.to_xml
render :json, some_object.to_json
However there is no equivalent for YAML. What you can do is render just plain text with a correct content-type:
render :text => some_object.to_yaml, :content_type => 'text/yaml'
The content_type is debatable but this seems to be the most standard.

RE: Using counters with collections
Note that as of Rails 2.1, it’s currently not possible to override the internal counter variable you get when using collections via passing it in through :locals.
This is a useful feature when you have a collection of items rendered but then wish to add another one - most likely via an AJAX request.
I’ve been informed it’s back in Edge, so hopefully it’ll re-appear again in Rails 2.2.

render with variables
perient view
Code example
<%= render 'time_select', locals: { select_name: 'from_tiem'}%>
render view
Code example
<%= locals[:select_name] %>
Code example
<%= local_assigns[:select_name] %>

Rendering JSONP
If you provide the :callback option with a nil value, then the default JSON object will be returned. As such, this makes creating JSONP response from the render syntax very easy in your controllers, like so:
render json: @object, callback: params[:jsoncallback]

Streaming Does Not Work with Mongrel
If you are trying to stream output via render :text => Proc and Mongrel, be sure to note that this does NOT work. Mongrel returns a StringIO, which by nature buffers everything.
Unsure of how to actually stream output with Rails in a consistent fashion.

Using render to handle ajax call using same js.erb(DRY)
Suppose your application have many pages using some common view and is updated using ajax,so you can use a single js in multiple views to avoid duplication
format.js { render 'profile/show_user_details' }
And in my profiles/show_user_details.js i can use conditions instead of creating regular partials
<% if params[:controller]== "dashboard"%> $("admin_panel").show(); $("user_panel").hide(); <% elsif params[:controller]== "user"%> $("admin_panel").hide(); $("user_panel").show(); <% elsif params[:controller]== "video"%> $("admin_panel").hide(); $("user_panel").hide(); $("video_panel").show(); <% else %> $("admin_panel").hide(); $("user_panel").hide(); $("video_panel").hide(); <%end%>

Avoid DoubleRenderError
One can not invoke render twice during an action. Thus if You have a complicated rendering logic but at the end would like to render some default content, or just would like to find out whether render has been called during the current action, use performed?. This also works with “empty” renderings such as head.

ActionController::Steaming => ActionController::Streaming