writer_method(name, class_name, mapping, allow_nil) private

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# File activerecord/lib/active_record/aggregations.rb, line 167
        def writer_method(name, class_name, mapping, allow_nil)
          mapping = (Array === mapping.first ? mapping : [ mapping ])

          if allow_nil
            module_eval "def \#{name}=(part)\nif part.nil?\n\#{mapping.collect { |pair| \"@attributes[\\\"\#{pair.first}\\\"] = nil\" }.join(\"\\n\")}\nelse\n@\#{name} = part.freeze\n\#{mapping.collect { |pair| \"@attributes[\\\"\#{pair.first}\\\"] = part.\#{pair.last}\" }.join(\"\\n\")}\nend\nend\n"
            module_eval "def \#{name}=(part)\n@\#{name} = part.freeze\n\#{mapping.collect{ |pair| \"@attributes[\\\"\#{pair.first}\\\"] = part.\#{pair.last}\" }.join(\"\\n\")}\nend\n"
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