pluralize(count, singular, plural = nil) public

Attempts to pluralize the singular word unless count is 1. If plural is supplied, it will use that when count is > 1, if the ActiveSupport Inflector is loaded, it will use the Inflector to determine the plural form, otherwise it will just add an ‘s' to the singular word.

  pluralize(1, 'person')  => 1 person
  pluralize(2, 'person')  => 2 people
  pluralize(3, 'person', 'users')  => 3 users
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September 14, 2009
6 thanks

Pluralize Without Count

Helper method that returns the word without the count.


def pluralize_without_count(count, noun, text = nil)
  if count != 0
    count == 1 ? "#{noun}#{text}" : "#{noun.pluralize}#{text}"

Example usage:


<%= pluralize_without_count(item.categories.count, 'Category', ':') %>
April 26, 2012
5 thanks
September 5, 2011
1 thank

(Another) Pluralize Without Showing the Count

Thought it would be best to take the source code from pluralize and just remove the count from the output.

Create this helper method in application_helper.rb

# Pluralize without showing the count.
def simple_pluralize count, singular, plural=nil
  ((count == 1 || count =~ /^1(\.0+)?$/) ? singular : (plural || singular.pluralize))

This allows you to pass in in the plural word to use as well.

October 27, 2010
0 thanks

Pluralize Without Count (inline version)

= pluralize(item.categories.count, ‘Category’).sub(/d+s/, ”)

January 8, 2013 - (v3.0.0 - v3.2.8)
0 thanks

Minor edit of pluralize_without_count

patrickberkeley’s method works great. I corrected the grammar a bit for inflection (the singular error).


def pluralize_without_count(count, noun, text = nil)
  if count != 0
    count == 1 ? "an #{noun}#{text}" : "#{noun.pluralize}#{text}"

This should work in much older versions of Rails also.