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giams -
August 13, 2008 - (v1.2.6 - v2.1.0)

3 thanks
Insertion/Deletion callbacks
All ActiveRecord associations except for has_many :through support callbacks for pre- and post-insertion/deletion via the following, self-documenting parameters:
Adding to an Association
Removing from an Association
The flexibility that these callbacks offer is quite handy, but I’ll demonstrate with a silly example: logging each insertion and deletion.
class Ship < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :pirates, :after_add => :say_hello, :before_remove => :say_goodbye private def say_hello(pirate) STDOUT.write("hello #{pirate.name} ") end def say_goodbye(pirate) STDOUT.write("goodbye #{pirate.name} ") end end
Now, we’ll see confirmation when we add/remove Pirates in the console from our ship (and yes, this must be the ghetto):
>> jolly_roger = PirateShip.new
=> #<Ship id: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil> >> jolly_roger.pirates << Pirate.create(:name => 'Black Bart') hello Black Bart => [#<Pirate id: 1, name: "Black Bart", created_at: "2008-07-29 14:41:13", updated_at: "2008-08-11 11:51:25"> >> jolly_roger.pirates.first.delete goodbye Black Bart => []