
image_tag(source, options = {})
Returns an image tag converting the options into html options on the tag, but with these special cases:
- :alt - If no alt text is given, the file name part of the src is used (capitalized and without the extension)
- :size - Supplied as "XxY", so "30x45" becomes width="30" and height="45"
The src can be supplied as a…
- full path, like "/my_images/image.gif"
- file name, like "rss.gif", that gets expanded to "/images/rss.gif"
- file name without extension, like "logo", that gets expanded to "/images/logo.png"
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hardbap -
September 30, 2011 - (>= v3.0.0)
grosser -
July 10, 2008
RobinWu -
October 31, 2008
Ramon -
March 10, 2010
yeuem1vannam -
June 26, 2013 - (v3.2.13)

1 thank
Using a block with image_tag
HTML5 officially supports block-level elements in the anchor tag and Rails 3 allows you to pass a block to image_tag:
<%= image_tag(some_path) do %>
<%= content_tag(:p, "Your link text here")
<% end %>

0 thanks
watch out for urls with &
image_tag(‘’) =

0 thanks
By images's sub dirctionary to img tag
image_tag(“icons/edit.png”) # =>
<img src="/images/icons/edit.png" alt="edit" />

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Specify your own template
You can specify you own template this way:
def notice ... @template = "some_other_name.html.erb" end

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Typing mismatch
This block
if size = options.delete(:size) options[:width], options[:height] = size.split("x") if size =~ %{^\d+x\d+$} end
has type mismatch