

v1.0.0 - Show latest stable - 0 notes - Class: ActionController::Streaming
send_file_headers!(options) private

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# File actionpack/lib/action_controller/streaming.rb, line 116
      def send_file_headers!(options)
        [:length, :type, :disposition].each do |arg|
          raise ArgumentError, ":#{arg} option required" if options[arg].nil?

        disposition = options[:disposition].dup || 'attachment'
        disposition <<= %(; filename="#{options[:filename]}") if options[:filename]

          'Content-Length'            => options[:length],
          'Content-Type'              => options[:type].strip,  # fixes a problem with extra '\r' with some browsers
          'Content-Disposition'       => disposition,
          'Content-Transfer-Encoding' => 'binary'

        # Fix a problem with IE 6.0 on opening downloaded files:
        # If Cache-Control: no-cache is set (which Rails does by default), 
        # IE removes the file it just downloaded from its cache immediately 
        # after it displays the "open/save" dialog, which means that if you 
        # hit "open" the file isn't there anymore when the application that 
        # is called for handling the download is run, so let's workaround that
        @headers['Cache-Control'] = 'private' if @headers['Cache-Control'] == 'no-cache'
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