
- 1.0.0
- 1.1.6
- 1.2.6
- 2.0.3
- 2.1.0
- 2.2.1
- 2.3.8
- 3.0.0 (0)
- 3.0.9 (-4)
- 3.1.0 (1)
- 3.2.1 (7)
- 3.2.8 (0)
- 3.2.13 (0)
- 4.0.2 (-38)
- 4.1.8 (-3)
- 4.2.1 (0)
- 4.2.7 (0)
- 4.2.9 (0)
- (3)
- 5.1.7 (0)
- 5.2.3 (0)
- 6.0.0 (0)
- (0)
- (0)
- 7.0.0 (0)
- (-1)
- (0)
- What's this?
Encapsulates the pattern of wanting to validate the acceptance of a terms of service check box (or similar agreement).
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base validates_acceptance_of :terms_of_service validates_acceptance_of :eula, message: 'must be abided' end
If the database column does not exist, the terms_of_service attribute is entirely virtual. This check is performed only if terms_of_service is not nil.
Configuration options:
:message - A custom error message (default is: “must be accepted”).
:accept - Specifies a value that is considered accepted. Also accepts an array of possible values. The default value is an array [“1”, true], which makes it easy to relate to an HTML checkbox. This should be set to, or include, true if you are validating a database column, since the attribute is typecast from “1” to true before validation.
There is also a list of default options supported by every validator: :if, :unless, :on, :allow_nil, :allow_blank, and :strict. See ActiveModel::Validations::ClassMethods#validates for more information.