

Ruby on Rails latest stable (v7.1.3.2) - 0 notes - Class: TestHelper
perform_enqueued_jobs(only: nil, except: nil, queue: nil, at: nil, &block) public

Performs all enqueued jobs. If a block is given, performs all of the jobs that were enqueued throughout the duration of the block. If a block is not given, performs all of the enqueued jobs up to this point in the test.

def test_perform_enqueued_jobs
  perform_enqueued_jobs do
    MyJob.perform_later(1, 2, 3)
  assert_performed_jobs 1

def test_perform_enqueued_jobs_without_block
  MyJob.perform_later(1, 2, 3)


  assert_performed_jobs 1

This method also supports filtering. If the :only option is specified, then only the listed job(s) will be performed.

def test_perform_enqueued_jobs_with_only
  perform_enqueued_jobs(only: MyJob) do
    MyJob.perform_later(1, 2, 3) # will be performed
    HelloJob.perform_later(1, 2, 3) # will not be performed
  assert_performed_jobs 1

Also if the :except option is specified, then the job(s) except specific class will be performed.

def test_perform_enqueued_jobs_with_except
  perform_enqueued_jobs(except: HelloJob) do
    MyJob.perform_later(1, 2, 3) # will be performed
    HelloJob.perform_later(1, 2, 3) # will not be performed
  assert_performed_jobs 1

:only and :except options accept Class, Array of Class, or Proc. When passed a Proc, an instance of the job will be passed as argument.

If the :queue option is specified, then only the job(s) enqueued to a specific queue will be performed.

def test_perform_enqueued_jobs_with_queue
  perform_enqueued_jobs queue: :some_queue do
    MyJob.set(queue: :some_queue).perform_later(1, 2, 3) # will be performed
    HelloJob.set(queue: :other_queue).perform_later(1, 2, 3) # will not be performed
  assert_performed_jobs 1

If the :at option is specified, then only jobs that have been enqueued to run at or before the given time will be performed. This includes jobs that have been enqueued without a time.

If queue_adapter_for_test is overridden to return a different adapter, perform_enqueued_jobs will merely execute the block.

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