

Ruby on Rails latest stable (v7.1.3.2) - 0 notes - Class: ActionController::Routing::RouteSet::NamedRouteCollection
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Method deprecated or moved

This method is deprecated or moved on the latest stable version. The last existing version (v2.3.8) is shown here.

define_url_helper(route, name, kind, options) private

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# File actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing/route_set.rb, line 157
          def define_url_helper(route, name, kind, options)
            selector = url_helper_name(name, kind)
            # The segment keys used for positional paramters

            hash_access_method = hash_access_name(name, kind)

            # allow ordered parameters to be associated with corresponding
            # dynamic segments, so you can do
            #   foo_url(bar, baz, bang)
            # instead of
            #   foo_url(:bar => bar, :baz => baz, :bang => bang)
            # Also allow options hash, so you can do
            #   foo_url(bar, baz, bang, :sort_by => 'baz')
            named_helper_module_eval "def \#{selector}(*args)                                                        # def users_url(*args)\nargs.compact!                                                               #\n#\n\#{generate_optimisation_block(route, kind)}                                 #   \#{generate_optimisation_block(route, kind)}\n#\nopts = if args.empty? || Hash === args.first                                #   opts = if args.empty? || Hash === args.first\nargs.first || {}                                                          #     args.first || {}\nelse                                                                        #   else\noptions = args.extract_options!                                           #     options = args.extract_options!\nargs =\#{route.segment_keys.inspect}).inject({}) do |h, (v, k)|  #     args =[]).inject({}) do |h, (v, k)|\nh[k] = v                                                                #       h[k] = v\nh                                                                       #       h\nend                                                                       #     end\noptions.merge(args)                                                       #     options.merge(args)\nend                                                                         #   end\n#\nurl_for(\#{hash_access_method}(opts))                                        #   url_for(hash_for_users_url(opts))\n#\nend                                                                           # end\n#Add an alias to support the now deprecated formatted_* URL.                  # #Add an alias to support the now deprecated formatted_* URL.\ndef formatted_\#{selector}(*args)                                              # def formatted_users_url(*args)\nActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn(                                            #   ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn(\n\"formatted_\#{selector}() has been deprecated. \" +                         #     \"formatted_users_url() has been deprecated. \" +\n\"Please pass format to the standard \" +                                   #     \"Please pass format to the standard \" +\n\"\#{selector} method instead.\", caller)                                    #     \"users_url method instead.\", caller)\n\#{selector}(*args)                                                          #   users_url(*args)\nend                                                                           # end\nprotected :\#{selector}                                                        # protected :users_url\n" # We use module_eval to avoid leaks
            helpers << selector
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