Ruby on Rails latest stable (v7.1.3.2) - 2 notes

Module deprecated or moved

This module is deprecated or moved on the latest stable version. The last existing version (v2.3.8) is shown here.

BEFORE: 0.191446860631307 ms/url AFTER: 0.029847304022858 ms/url Speed up: 6.4 times

Route recognition is slow due to one-by-one iterating over a whole routeset (each map.resources generates at least 14 routes) and matching weird regexps on each step.

We optimize this by skipping all URI segments that 100% sure can’t be matched, moving deeper in a tree of routes (where node == segment) until first possible match is accured. In such case, we start walking a flat list of routes, matching them with accurate matcher. So, first step: search a segment tree for the first relevant index. Second step: iterate routes starting with that index.

How tree is walked? We can do a recursive tests, but it’s smarter: We just create a tree of if-s and elsif-s matching segments.

We have segments of 3 flavors: 1) nil (no segment, route finished) 2) const-dot-dynamic (like "/posts.:xml", "/preview.:size.jpg") 3) const (like "/posts", "/comments") 4) dynamic ("/:id", "file.:size.:extension")

We split incoming string into segments and iterate over them. When segment is nil, we drop immediately, on a current node index. When segment is equal to some const, we step into branch. If none constants matched, we step into ‘dynamic’ branch (it’s a last). If we can’t match anything, we drop to last index on a level.

Note: we maintain the original routes order, so we finish building

      steps on a first dynamic segment.

Example. Given the routes:

  0 /posts/
  1 /posts/:id
  2 /posts/:id/comments
  3 /posts/blah
  4 /users/
  5 /users/:id
  6 /users/:id/profile

request_uri = /users/123

There will be only 4 iterations:

 1) segm test for /posts prefix, skip all /posts/* routes
 2) segm test for /users/
 3) segm test for /users/:id
    (jump to list index = 5)
 4) full test for /users/:id => here we are!
Show files where this module is defined (2 files)
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January 25, 2009
3 thanks

Routes =

In config/routes.rb you can see this:

ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|

If you want to look at the code in ActionController::Routing you won’t find the definition of Routes. That’s because it’s actually an instance of the class RouteSet, defined in action_controller/routing.rb

Routes =
July 7, 2009
0 thanks

Pretty Printing Routes

if you’d like to check out your routes in the console, you can do something like:

routes = ActionController::Routing::Routes

# which will return a RouteSet puts routes.routes

which’ll give you a nice output like: GET /messages/ {:action=>“index”, :controller=>“messages”} GET /messages.:format/ {:action=>“index”, :controller=>“messages”} POST /messages/ {:action=>“create”, :controller=>“messages”} POST /messages.:format/ {:action=>“create”, :controller=>“messages”} GET /messages/new/ {:action=>“new”, :controller=>“messages”} GET /messages/new.:format/ {:action=>“new”, :controller=>“messages”} GET /messages/:id/edit/ {:action=>“edit”, :controller=>“messages”} GET /messages/:id/edit.:format/ {:action=>“edit”, :controller=>“messages”} GET /messages/:id/ {:action=>“show”, :controller=>“messages”} GET /messages/:id.:format/ {:action=>“show”, :controller=>“messages”} PUT /messages/:id/ {:action=>“update”, :controller=>“messages”} PUT /messages/:id.:format/ {:action=>“update”, :controller=>“messages”} DELETE /messages/:id/ {:action=>“destroy”, :controller=>“messages”} DELETE /messages/:id.:format/ {:action=>“destroy”, :controller=>“messages”}