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April 21, 2009
3 thanks

To throw an exception, use Kernel#raise

Other languages use the term throw for raising exceptions, but Ruby has a specific raise call for that.

April 21, 2009
7 thanks

Do not forget to add indexes

Don’t forget to add indexes to HATM table:

add_index :developers_projects, [:developer_id, :project_id]
April 21, 2009
5 thanks

strip_tags method not functioning in controllers, models, or libs

It comes up with an error about white_list_sanitizer undefined in the class you’re using it in. To get around this, use:


To shorten this, add something like this in an initializer:

class String
  def strip_tags

then call it with:

April 21, 2009
3 thanks

sanitize method not functioning in controllers, models, or libs

It comes up with an error about white_list_sanitizer undefined in the class you’re using it in. To get around this, use:


To shorten this, add something like this in an initializer:

class String
  def sanitize

then call it with:

April 16, 2009
15 thanks

Parameters for Hash#inject

When running inject on a Hash, the hash is first converted to an array before being passed through.

The typical Enumerable#inject approach would be to simply capture the value:

array.inject(...) do |c, v|

In the case of a Hash, v is actually a key/value pair Array. That is the key is v.first and the value is v.last, however using the pair this way is awkward and can lead to confusion.

Better to simply expand the parameters in the block definition:

hash.inject(...) do |c, (k, v)|

Where c is the traditional carry variable and k/v represent key and value respectively.

April 16, 2009
3 thanks


This function can be used to pass the ID of selected item, for example:

# with select or collection_select helpers:
{ :onchange => remote_function(:url => { :action => 'do_smth' }, :with => "'id=' + $('the_id').value") }

# and grab ID in controller action as usually: 
April 16, 2009
3 thanks

Various use cases


user = = 'Akhil Bansal'

user = => 'Akhil') do |u| = 'Akhil'
April 9, 2009
11 thanks

Define handlers in order of most generic to most specific

The later the definition of the rescue handler, the higher the priority:

rescue_from Exception, :with => :error_generic
rescue_from Exception::ComputerOnFire, :with => :panic

Declaring the Exception catch-all handler last would have the side-effect of precluding any other handlers from running.

This is what is meant by being “searched…from bottom to top”.

April 9, 2009
4 thanks

Method has moved to ActionController::Rescue::ClassMethods module

This method has simply moved, still works the same way in 2.3+

New location: ActiveSupport::Rescuable::ClassMethods#rescue_from

April 8, 2009
13 thanks

Setting child_index while using nested attributes mass assignment

When using nested attributes mass assignment sometimes you will want to add new records with javascript. You can do it with pure javascript, but if HTML is long your javascript will be long and messy and it will not be DRY as probably you already have a partial for it.

So to add a partial dynamically you can do something like that (notice string “index_to_replace_with_js”):


def add_object_link(name, form, object, partial, where)
  options = {:parent => true}.merge(options)
  html = render(:partial => partial, :locals => { :form => form}, :object => object)
  link_to_function name, %{
    var new_object_id = new Date().getTime() ;
    var html = jQuery(#{js html}.replace(/index_to_replace_with_js/g, new_object_id)).hide();

js method in one of helpers (from minus mor plugin)

def js(data)
  if data.respond_to? :to_json

This method will generate link adding generated partial to html.

The thing that is not mentioned in docs is how to set child_index. You must add it as an argument in hash.

Example of partial

<% form.fields_for :tasks, task, :child_index => 
       (task.new_record? ? "index_to_replace_with_js" : nil) do |tasks_form| %>
  <% tasks_form.text_field :name %>
<% end %>

Using add_object_link

<% form_for :project do |form| %>
  <div id="tasks">
    <%# displaying existing tasks %>

  <%= add_object_link("New task, form,, "task", "#tasks") %>

<% end %>

Thanks to child_index after insertion it will change indexes to current time in miliseconds so added tasks will have different names and ids.

April 8, 2009
6 thanks

Superclass of OrderedHash

Note that in Rails 2.3, OrderedHash changed from being a subclass of Array to a subclass of Hash. This is contrary to what the documentation says above.

April 6, 2009
5 thanks

HTML entities in options

Unfortunately everything is escaped with ERB::Util#html_escape. Your only option is either manually construct options or compeletely overwrite this method.

April 6, 2009
6 thanks

Array clustering

Sometimes you don’t want to mangle sequence of an array and just want to group adjacent values. Here’s a nice method to do so (drop it in your initializers directory or something):

module Enumerable
  # clumps adjacent elements together
  # >> [2,2,2,3,3,4,2,2,1].cluster{|x| x}
  # => [[2, 2, 2], [3, 3], [4], [2, 2], [1]]
  def cluster
    cluster = []
    each do |element|
      if cluster.last && yield(cluster.last.last) == yield(element)
        cluster.last << element
        cluster << [element]

Similarly you can do the clustering on more complex items. For instance you want to cluster Documents on creation date and their type:

Document.all.cluster{|document| [document.created_on, document.type]}
April 6, 2009
3 thanks

Take care when writing regex

When you want to validate a field for a continuous string you’d probably write something like this (if it’s really early in the morning and you didn’t have your coffee yet):

validates_format_of :something => /\w/

At the first sight it looks like it’s working because something = “blahblahblah” is valid. However, so is this: something = “blah meh 55”. It’s just that your regex matched a substring of the value and not the whole thing. The proper regex you’re looking for is actually:

validates_format_of :something => /^\w$/
April 6, 2009
3 thanks

Assets hosts

You can also setup assets hosts in enviroments:

config.action_controller.asset_host = ""
April 3, 2009
13 thanks

The docs are in AR::Base

The docs you’re looking for are in ActiveRecord::Base

April 1, 2009
6 thanks

Ordering of format blocks is important

The order in which your format blocks appear, like:

format.html { } format.js { }

are used to infer priority in cases where the appropriate format is ambiguous.

March 31, 2009
3 thanks

Sorting Hashes with Symbol Keys

To sort a hash with symbol keys, use Enumerable#sort_by:

h = { :a => 20, :b => 30, :c => 10  }
h.sort                       # => NoMethodError: undefined method `<=>' for :a:Symbol
h.sort_by { |k,v| k.to_s }   # => [[:a, 20], [:b, 30], [:c, 10]]
March 31, 2009
3 thanks

Override fieldWithErrors markup in Rails > v2

The code posted by @hosiawak will still work in recent versions of Rails, but maybe a more current, idiomatic way to do it is to stick this inside the Rails::Initializer block in environment.rb (obviously you’ll also need to restart your server to pick up the config change):

config.action_view.field_error_proc = {|html_tag, instance| 
  %(<span class="fieldWithErrors">#{html_tag}</span>)}
March 27, 2009
4 thanks

Hour with/without preceding zero

One gotcha is the difference between the hour in 12 hour time with and without a preceding zero. In some fonts they look the same.

With preceding zero (capital I)"%I:%M") # => 05:21

Without preceding zero (lowercase L)"%l:%M") # => 5:21
March 27, 2009
4 thanks


Here’s how to use it, just so it’s perfectly clear:

skip_before_filter :method_to_skip, :only => [:method_name]
March 27, 2009
4 thanks

multiple filter example

actually you can have it even shorter with:

before_filter :authorize, :set_locale, :except => :login
March 23, 2009
4 thanks

So, how do you enable db sessions?

First, run:

rake db:sessions:create

Then, run your pending migrations. This will create the migration you need to run in order to create the sessions table.

Second, go into config/environment.rb and uncomment or put in:

config.action_controller.session_store = :active_record_store
config.action_controller.session = {
   :session_key => '_your_session_name_here',

Third, get yourself a secure key with:

rake secret

And finally, paste your new key into the :secret above.

March 21, 2009
4 thanks

Passing optional arguments with defaults to a named_scope

An easy way to do this. (This also shows how you can use joins in a named_scope as well.)

Class User << ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :semester 

named_scope :year, lambda { |*year|
  if year.empty? || year.first.nil?
    { :joins => :semester, :conditions => ["year = #{CURRENT_SEMESTER}"]}
    { :joins => :semester, :conditions => ["year = #{year}"]}


You can then call:

User.year     # defaults to CURRENT_SEMESTER constant
User.year()  # same as above
User.year(nil)  # same as above; useful if passing a param value that may or may not exist, ie, param[:year]
March 21, 2009
7 thanks

Use helpers in your ActionMailer views

It’s very easy to give your mailer access to helpers:

# Let your mailer user the ApplicationHelper methods
class MyMailer < ActionMailer::Base
  helper :application
March 20, 2009
9 thanks

Use the current URL, with changes

You can use the current URL, whatever it is, with changes, as in:

# Create a link to the current page in RSS form
url_for(:overwrite_params => {:format => :rss})

This can be super-helpful because it preserves any GET params (like search parameters)

March 18, 2009
4 thanks

Better autopad numbers

There is a much better way than to use diwadn’s method if you want to pad numbers with zeros. Here’s my recommended way to do it:

"Number: %010d" % 12345 #=> "Number: 0000012345"

It’s very easy. First we begin our placeholder with “%”, then we specify a zero (0) to signify padding with zeros. If we omitted this zero, the number would be padded with spaces instead. When we have done that, just specify the target length of the string. At last a single “d” is placed to signify that we are inserting a number.

Please see String#% and Kernel#sprintf for more information about how to do this.

Here’s another example of how to do it:

12345.to_s.rjust(10, "0") #=> "0000012345"

See String#rjust for more information.

Any of these methods are a lot better than the method outlined below.

March 12, 2009
3 thanks
March 12, 2009
12 thanks

User a block to extend your associations

You can use blocks to extend your associations with extra methods.

code sample

has_many :children, :dependent => :destroy do
  def at(time)
    proxy_owner.children.find_with_deleted :all, :conditions => [
      "created_at <= :time AND (deleted_at > :time OR deleted_at IS NULL)", { :time => time }

Model.children.each # do stuff 1.week.ago ).each # do old stuff

you must use ‘proxy_owner’ to link back to your model.