Notes posted by thewinner

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May 6, 2011
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Asserting Emails

–setup_mailer.rb in config/initializers –rails g mailer MailerName –methods in mailer_name.rb –files in views/mailer_name –MailerName.method(@object).deliver in object controller

May 6, 2011
0 thanks

Using New

-rails new ProjectName -switch directories -git repo “git init”, then commit -add gems, bundle install -rails g scaffold TableName attribute:type attribute:type….. -authentication -add attribute_accessible/relationships/validations -get rid of index.html in public, set root “table#index” -rails g nifty:layout -rake db:migrate -git repo -rails s, see if works -change id’s to names in show and indexes -images go to public/images -partials are rendered in application.html.erb