
Good notes posted by ssoroka

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November 11, 2011
3 thanks

Catching and throwing -- don't!

@wiseleyb and @glosakti, neither of your suggestions are necessary, and both are bad practices.

This test:

test "transactions" do
  assert_raises ZeroDivisionError do
    User.transaction do

passes just fine on its own, with the transaction rolled back as you’d expect. No need to hack something ugly together.

October 20, 2010
7 thanks

use raw() instead

Don’t use this method unless you’re sure your string isn’t nil. Instead use the raw() method, which wont raise an exception on nil.

October 16, 2010 - (>= v3.0.0)
12 thanks

needs to be paired with respond_to

Needs to be paired with respond_to at the top of your class.

class MyController < ApplicationController
  respond_to :js, :html