
Good notes posted by patrickberkeley

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September 14, 2009
6 thanks

Pluralize Without Count

Helper method that returns the word without the count.


def pluralize_without_count(count, noun, text = nil)
  if count != 0
    count == 1 ? "#{noun}#{text}" : "#{noun.pluralize}#{text}"

Example usage:


<%= pluralize_without_count(item.categories.count, 'Category', ':') %>
March 27, 2009
4 thanks

Hour with/without preceding zero

One gotcha is the difference between the hour in 12 hour time with and without a preceding zero. In some fonts they look the same.

With preceding zero (capital I)

Time.now.strftime("%I:%M") # => 05:21

Without preceding zero (lowercase L)

Time.now.strftime("%l:%M") # => 5:21